Discover the new reserved area for HANSA-TMP distributors

Welcome to the new reserved area for HANSA-TMP distributors.
Easier, immediate and user-friendly, the new reserved area connects HANSA-TMP directly with its network of 22 distributors worldwide.

Welcome to the new reserved area for HANSA-TMP distributors. 
Easier, immediate and user-friendly, the new reserved area connects HANSA-TMP directly with its network of 22 distributors worldwide.


Being close to our customers is one of our main values, one of the keywords of HANSA-TMP and for this reason, we have decided to make this experience more modern and efficient for all our distributors.

In the upper right corner of the navigation menu, you can always access the reserved area, open and download the files.
After entering your username or email address and password (if you are already a distributor, your existing credentials will reman valid), you will have an easy-to-use system, in which, three folders will be available: Price lists, Marketing tools and 3D models.

In the Price Lists folder, you can find all the price lists for the HANSA-TMP Manufacturing line, such as pumps, motors, fan drive, brakes and belt drive supports.
In the Marketing Tools folder, you can currently find our new company logo.
Finally, the 3D models folder contains all possible models and configurations of Manufacturing products.
Our goal is to make the experience of our users and our management as simple as possible. In fact, every file is searchable and downloadable at any time and your personal profile is totally self-manageable.

We are working to ensure that the reserved area can reach a level of autonomy so that any request can automatically find an answer within the system.

For the second half of the year 2021, we have also planned several videos to help and assist HANSA-TMP distributors, which will find place in a new folder, called Video Training.


Stay tuned so you don’t miss out on new projects.
We hope you enjoy the new web tool reserved to our distribution network!








Are you interested in becoming a HANSA-TMP distributor in your area?
Please send your company presentation to the following e-mail address:, our Distribution Manager will be at your disposal.




marketing department HANSA-TMP

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